SWARMED: Captive Portals, Mobile Devices, and Audience Participation in Multi-User Music Performance
Abram Hindle
- New Interfaces for Musical Expression (NIME 2013)
- Daejeon and Seoul, Korea Republic
- 2013
- 174–179
accepted = {2013-04-01},
author = {Abram Hindle},
authors = {Abram Hindle},
booktitle = {New Interfaces for Musical Expression (NIME 2013)},
date = {2013-05-27},
funding = {NSERC Discovery},
location = {Daejeon and Seoul, Korea Republic},
pagerange = {174--179},
pages = {174--179},
published = {2013-05-27},
publisher = {NIME},
role = {Author},
title = {SWARMED: Captive Portals, Mobile Devices, and Audience Participation in Multi-User Music Performance},
type = {inproceedings},
url = {http://softwareprocess.ca/pubs/hindle2013NIME-SWARMED.pdf},
venue = {New Interfaces for Musical Expression (NIME 2013)},
year = {2013}