Do topics make sense to managers and developers?
Abram Hindle, Christian Bird, Thomas Zimmermann, and Nachiappan Nagappan
- Journal of Empirical Software Engineering
- 2014
- 479–515
author = {Abram Hindle and Christian Bird and Thomas Zimmermann and and Nachiappan Nagappan},
authors = {Abram Hindle, Christian Bird, Thomas Zimmermann, and Nachiappan Nagappan},
funding = {Microsoft Research},
journal = {Journal of Empirical Software Engineering},
pagerange = {479--515},
pages = {479--515},
payyurl = {},
publisher = {Springer},
role = {primary author},
title = {Do topics make sense to managers and developers?},
type = {article},
url = {},
venue = {Journal of Empirical Software Engineering},
year = {2014}