What do programmers know about the energy consumption of software?
Candy Pang, Abram Hindle, Bram Adams, Ahmed E. Hassan
- IEEE Software
- 2015
- 83–89
- Publisher Link
author = {Candy Pang and Abram Hindle and Bram Adams and Ahmed E. Hassan},
authors = {Candy Pang, Abram Hindle, Bram Adams, Ahmed E. Hassan},
funding = {NSERC Discovery},
journal = {IEEE Software},
pagerange = {83--89},
pages = {83--89},
payurl = {http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/xpl/articleDetails.jsp?tp=&arnumber=7155416},
role = {Co-author / supervisor},
title = {What do programmers know about the energy consumption of software?},
type = {article},
url = {http://softwareprocess.ca/pubs/pang2015IEEESoftware.pdf},
venue = {IEEE Software},
year = {2015}