A contextual approach towards more accurate duplicate bug report detection and ranking
Abram Hindle, Anahita Alipour, Eleni Stroulia
- Empirical Software Engineering
- 2016
- 368–410
accepted = {2015-06-28},
author = {Abram Hindle and Anahita Alipour and Eleni Stroulia},
authors = {Abram Hindle, Anahita Alipour, Eleni Stroulia},
code = {hindle2016EMSE},
funding = {NSERC Discovery},
journal = {Empirical Software Engineering},
pagerange = {368--410},
pages = {368--410},
publisher = {Springer},
role = {Primary Supervisor},
title = {A contextual approach towards more accurate duplicate bug report detection and ranking},
type = {article},
url = {http://softwareprocess.ca/pubs/hindle2016EMSE-bugdedup.pdf},
venue = {Empirical Software Engineering},
volume = {21(2)},
year = {2016}