Deep Green: An Ensemble of Machine Learning Methods Predicting Mobile Energy Consumption
Stephen Romansky, Shaiful Alam Chowdhury, Abram Hindle, Neil Borle, and Russell Greiner
- International Conference on Software Maintenance and Evolution
- Shanghai, China
- 2017
- 1–11
- Acceptance:42/151 or 27.8%
accepted = {2017-06-12},
author = {Stephen Romansky and Shaiful Alam Chowdhury and Abram Hindle and Neil Borle and and Russell Greiner},
authors = {Stephen Romansky, Shaiful Alam Chowdhury, Abram Hindle, Neil Borle, and Russell Greiner},
booktitle = {International Conference on Software Maintenance and Evolution},
code = {romansky2017ICSME-timeseries},
date = {2017-09-20},
funding = {NSERC Discovery},
location = {Shanghai, China},
pages = {1--11},
rate = {42/151 or 27.8%},
title = {Deep Green: An Ensemble of Machine Learning Methods Predicting Mobile Energy Consumption},
type = {inproceedings},
url = {},
venue = {International Conference on Software Maintenance and Evolution},
year = {2017}