CMPUT201: Practical Programming Methodology / Programming IRL / The C Course / You didn’t teach that why are you testing us on it!


CMPUT201 is essentially an introductory programming course focussing on the C language.

I have cotaught this course with Hazel Campbell before.

The goal of this course is to teach you to program in a weakly staticly typed programming language that is relatively low level.

We teach C and a lot of C. The course is very hands on.

Course Description

Introduction to the principles, methods, tools, and practices of the professional programmer. The lectures focus on the fundamental principles of software engineering based on abstract data types and their implementations. The laboratories offer an intensive apprenticeship to the aspiring software developer. Students use C and C++ and software development tools of the UNIX environment.

Course Prerequisites:

CMPUT 175.

(Preferred to have knowledge of, or co-taking, CMPUT 229, 272, and 204)

Course Objectives and Expected Learning Outcomes:

Lecture Notes

My last batch of lecture notes are right here:

Derivative Work

Feel free to clone and copy provided you give my collaborators and myself appropriate attribute and follow the licenses.

This course is based on:

C Programming: A Modern Approach Paperback – March 31 2008
by K. King (Author)