Research Promotion Site of Abram Hindle
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Abram is an associate professor at the University of Alberta, in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada within the Department of Computing Sciences. He researches software engineering, mining software repositories, software process recovery, the intersection between software engineering and computer music, and Green Mining (the study of software change versus software energy consumption and software power consumption). |
- A general overview of my publications: DBLP Google Scholar
- Current Version of my Curriculum Vitae
- Abram's Blog
- Listing and Downloads of all of my publications
What can Abram offer you?
- Methods, Technology and Tools for characterizing past developer behaviour in a software project, based on information stored in Source Control Repositories.
- Methodology and tools to relate software evolution and software power consumption / software energy use / software power use: Green Mining
- Methods and technologies for building and using computer music systems. The cross-over between software engineering and computer music: SoftwareEngineeringAndComputerMusic
What questions does Abram seek to help answer?
- Green Mining energy aware mining of software. Software Energy Consumption studies across versions. Correlations with performance and other metrics.
- Instead of applying off the shelf learners to bug deduplication, let's leverage software engineering domain knowledge to aid bug deduplication.
- Can StackOverflow help us find deficiently documentated topics of development?; we answer this question using latent Dirichlet allocation (LDA).
- Can we see the topics of requirements that commits are addressing? Can we relate implementation and requirements over time?
- Recurrent Behaviour: Is there recurrent behaviour in software development? Well take a look at these plots!
- Recurrent Behaviour is complicated: In fact, it is often multifractal!
- How can we characterize how developers behave around release time?
- Software Process Recovery - how can we start to extract software development processes from software history? Also see CSER Keynote
- What's in a Name - How can we automatically name developer topics?
- Recovered Unified Process Views - Extract Unified Process Views from software histories.
- Software Readability - What are we actually saying when we talk about the readability of source code?
- Got Issues? - Do new features and new improvements affect defects?
- Is there EVIDENCE of Android Fragmentation? - How portability affects the bug reports within Android.
- Can we cheaply measure the complexity of revisions?
- Distributing Web Music Interfaces
- Distributed Web Instruments
- Composing Distributed Web Instruments in the cloud
- Security Concerns of Computer Music Instruments
- Electronically Excited Didgeridoo
- An Empirical Study of End-user Programmers in the Computer Music Community
- Guitar Transcription
Graduate Students and Teaching:
- Current Graduate Students:
- Stephen Romansky (MSc)
- Rameel Sethi (MSc)
- Shaiful Chowdhury (PhD)
- Candy Pang (PhD)
- Hazel Campbell (PhD)
- Past Students:
- Eddie Antonio Santos (MSc)
- Gregory Burlet (MSc Thesis)
- Karan Aggarwal (MSc Thesis)
- Chenlei Zhang (MSc Thesis)
- Anahita Alipour (MSc Thesis)
- Varun Sapra (MSc course based)
- Courses:
- CMPT 301 Intro to SE
- CMPUT410 Webservices Winter 2014, Winter 2015
- CMPUT404 Webservices
- CMPUT 664 Topics in Mining Software Repositories, Processes, and Artifacts Winter 2013, Winter 2014
- Directed studies in Computer Music (Audio and deep learning), Green Mining, and Mining Software Repositories
Prospective Graduate Students:
- Are you interested in Green Mining?
- Guide to Prospective Students
Abram's thesis work: PhD
Free Software Engineering Data:
Research relevant work:
Current Service:
- MSR 2017 Co-Chair
- SCAM 2014 Co-Chair
- ICSE 2013 Web Co-Chair
- MSR 2013 Program Committee
- ICSM 2013 Program Committee
- SCAM 2013 Program Committee
- CSMR 2013 ERA Program Committee
- ICSM 2014 Tool Demo Co-Chair
- Reviewed for EMSE, TSE, TOSEM, JSS
- ICSE2014 Tool-demo PC
- 2017 CS-Can/Info-Can Outstanding Young Computer Science Researcher prize
- 2017 Mining Software Repositories Early Career Achievement Award: "To recognize the rigor, fearlessness, and breadth of his MSR-related research, and for establishing a new area of research related to green-mining."
- 2017 – 2022 NSERC Discovery Grant $108000
- 2017 NSERC Engage with Black Duck Software $25000
- 2016 SIGSOFT ACM Distinguished Paper Award – ICSE 2016
- 2016 KIAS Team Grant with M. Friskopf et al. $7500
- 2016 Best MSR Mining Challenge Paper – MSR 2016
- 2015 MITACS Accelerate Cluster with Bioware $106666
- 2015 Best MSR Mining Challenge Paper – MSR 2015
- 2015 The Interdepartmental Science Students’ Society: Excellence in Undergraduate Teaching Award
- 2014 NSERC Engage with BioWare? $22000
- 2014 Faculty of Science: Student’s Honor Roll
- 2013 Microsoft Software Engineering Innovation Foundation Award $25000
- 2012 – 2017 NSERC Discovery Grant $95000
- 2012 MSR Best Paper Award – MSR 2012
- 2012 Best MSR Mining Challenge Paper – MSR 2012
- 2010 Best Presentation Award - Mining Software Archives 2010
- 2015 ISSS Teaching Award
- NSERC Discovery Grant
- MSR 2012 Best Paper Award
Former labs:
- Empirical Software Engineering @ Microsoft Research
- DECAL Lab w/ Prem Devanbu @ UCDavis
- SWAG w/ Michael Godfrey and Ric Holt @ University of Waterloo
- Daniel German @ University of Victoria
Potentially fun things:
- My Github Repos
- My Bitbucket Repos
- Twitter-IRCD plus Search Channel
- Sketcha-mo-phone: Play music by doodling lines
- Sonified Sand/Dust game in Haskell!
- Harbinger: Sonifying the Desktop
- Store Files Remotely and Slightly Safely
- Cup-O-mo-phone: a touch based instrument
- A 3D Mandelbrot fractal, implementations
- Musical Voudon/Voodoo Veve drawing
- Take web interfaces and make them musical!
- My musical endeavours
- My youtube channel
- Programming User Groups in Edmonton
Email me at: web at softwareprocess dot es
Office: 4-47 Athabasca Hall, Department of Computing Science, UAlberta